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Why Christmas is the BEST time to show appreciation to your current customers


One of the pieces of advice you will hear me say time and time again is DON’T FORGET YOUR CURRENT CUSTOMERS. After all they are the ones already willing to pay you so it’s important to keep them happy and provide the best customer experience so that they want to carry on paying you.

So what better time of year to show your appreciation for them than Christmas! Now I don’t mean go buy them all an expensive present, but find a small way of showing thanks to them for their support of you and your business throughout the year.

Inexpensive ways you could do this

A Christmas card with a handwritten personal note thanking them for their support this year and letting them know how much you love their pet. BONUS TIP – pop in a funny or cute photo you took of their pet to make them smile.

Home made biscuits for them or for their pet. Something I’ve done in the past is buy some natural dog treats from a local business and then split the biscuits into little gift bags for my regular dog walking customers.

If you’re arty or crafty, make them something. You can buy wooden or ceramic blanks that you can paint on from most craft shops for as little as £1 but if you’re not that artistic maybe you could get a local craft business to make you something for your regular customers as an extra special gift.

Here’s some simple ceramic decorations I made one year

Or how about something fun and simple like a Christmas themed roll of poo bags or a tennis ball with a bow wrapped around them.

Don’t spend a fortune, just make sure you are showing your appreciation in some way to your current customers.

To include EVERY customer you’ve had throughout the year, even the ones who have maybe only used your services once, write a little thank you post on your social media pages to say how much you love what you do and wish them all a happy Christmas & New Year!

What are you doing to show your appreciation this Christmas?

Rachel x

If you’re still looking for a unique gift idea for your pets or someone else this Christmas check out my recommendations HERE

Also if you’re looking to reset and de – stress your Pet Business in 2020 join the free reset challenge here!


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