Do you ever have one of those days (or weeks) where you think what the hell am I doing, what’s the point, why is nothing going to plan, why am I bothering? Trust me we ALL feel like that at some point and it can be hard to get out of that state of mind when we work alone.
I have had sleepless nights, I’ve cried, I’ve ranted at my loved ones and felt so frustrated with it all and forgotten what the point was and why i was working all hours.
What I’ve learnt is to keep coming back to the point and the reason why I started my business. My goals and my aims and why I do what I do.
I wanted freedom, I wanted to be my own boss, to help people, to work with animals, and to do something I’m passionate about. I didn’t want to work for someone else.
If you struggle with this, take some time now to jot down in just a few sentences:
• Why you started your own business • What drives you • Why you wanted to be your own boss • Why you are passionate about what you do
When you’re feeling rubbish and like you’ve lost your way, come back to these sentences to remind yourself why you’re on this roller-coaster journey. You could even print them off and put them somewhere that you’ll see them every day.
If you’re an aspiring Petpreneur and would like some support getting started join our free Facebook group! Or click here for more info >>>
